Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Notice and Website Privacy Statement

About Us

Irish Life Investment Managers Limited is part of the Irish Life Group. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), Irish Life Investment Managers, or any member of the Irish Life group of companies, will only use any personal information which you provide on our websites (or which you otherwise provide to us): for the intended purposes of your application for services offered by Irish Life and our provision of those services to you; as may be necessary to comply with law and regulations; and for our legitimate business interests.

Recipients of Data

Any information provided will remain strictly confidential to Irish Life and its agents or service providers and will be only given in order to facilitate the offering or performance of any services on your behalf.

We may share your personal data with the Central Bank of Ireland or other competent regulatory authorities, or the Revenue Commissioners or other tax authorities, as requested or required by law.

Transfers Abroad

Your personal information is processed and stored within the EU. However we do pass personal information securely to our parent company Great-West Lifeco in Canada. We do this for administration purposes, for recording of legal claims and for screening our customers against Financial Sanctions and PEP lists to comply with Anti-Money Laundering rules.

Irish Life Data Privacy Notice

Click here to find out more about the Irish Life Data Privacy Notice

If you wish to find out what personal data Irish Life Investment Managers may hold in respect of you, you can write to the:

  • Compliance Manager
  • Irish Life Investment Managers
  • Beresford Place
  • Beresford Court
  • Dublin 1

Website Privacy Notice

You should also be aware that each time you visit our secure client website information about your visit can be retained. This comprises of statistical and other analytical information collected on an aggregate and non-individual specific basis of all browsers who visit the site, as well as a record of what information has been requested by individual users.

The statistical and analytical information provides Irish Life Investment Managers with information about the number of people who visit the Irish Life Investment Managers “ILIM Assist” website; the number of people who return to this site; the pages and accounts that they visit; and where they were before they came to this site and the page in the site at which they exited. This information helps us monitor traffic on our website so that we can manage the site's capacity and efficiency. It also helps Irish Life Investment Managers to understand which parts of this site are most popular, and generally to assess user behaviour and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the site.

"Cookies" are small text files that a website can use in order to recognise visitors who revisit a site so as to facilitate their ongoing access to and use of the site. They enable usage behaviour to be tracked and aggregate data to be compiled that would facilitate more targeted advertising and improved content. Typically, cookies involve the assigning of a unique number to the visitor. The Irish Life Investment Managers sites utilise temporary cookies for security purposes only. When you leave the site, the cookie will be deleted from your device. Ensure that the 'receiving cookies' option is enabled on your web browser. If you have disabled 'receiving cookies', Irish Life Investment Managers cannot determine who you are and it disables the service. When you click on the Exit / Logout button, the session between your device and the Irish Life Investment Managers ILIMAssist web server is terminated and the cookie data is deleted.

There are options on most modern browsers that will allow you to view / manage and delete cookies that are sent to your browser.

Visitors should be aware that Irish Life Investment Managers is unable to control the use of cookies or the resulting information by other third parties such as advertisers or parties hosting data for Irish Life Investment Managers. When you are using the public areas of the website you are not required to provide us with any personal information. We will not collect or monitor any personally identifiable information from you.

We may record the number of users, location of computers on the Internet and other non-personal information for visitors to the public areas of the website. This recording is for administration and marketing analysis purposes and it will not identify you in person.

However, throughout this website you may have an opportunity to send us information relating to you, to establish and maintain access to “ILIM Assist” – our secure client site, or through the "contact us" pages or any other area where you may send e-mails, request brochures, enter contests or respond to any promotions. By choosing to participate in these, you will be providing us with some level of personal information relating to you. This information will only be stored and used by Irish Life Investment Managers for the purposes for which it was provided by you, for verification purposes and for statistical analysis.


Irish Life Investment Managers uses up to date technologies and maintains rigorous security standards and procedures with a view to preventing unauthorised access to your data. However messages and information passing over the internet may not be secure and can be intercepted by third parties or incorrectly delivered. The confidentiality of such communications cannot, therefore, be guaranteed and you should not divulge personal information over the internet unless you are using a secure or encrypted communications technology